Here's the weird thing about 2 Fast: as a sequel to the original The Fast and the Furious, it's not very successful. There may not be an entry in the series that's goofier or dopier than 2 Fast 2 Furious. A big part of the appeal of the series, which I enjoy a hell of a lot in defiance of a week's worth of social media postings from hipper-than-thou critics who are pretending to be surprised that anyone could like these movies, is that they are a great deal of fun.
All of the points Rob makes are valid and true (he is a smart person and HANDSOME), but I'd like to extend the case that he so effectively makes and suggest that 2 Fast - the entry considered to be the worst by those that don't rank Fast & Furious below it - has a lot to do with where one of the biggest film franchises in the world would end up. A few days ago, Rob DiCristino made an excellent case that the Fast & Furious franchise as we know it is indebted to the fourth installment, Fast & Furious, which I still consider the weakest entry in the series.