IMPORTANT: Product images show Prepar3d v4, other versions (FSX, FSX:SE, Prepar3D v1,2 and 3 do not support building ground shadows or specular ground materials.AI models shown at terminal not included.This product requires activation in your simulator.The appearance of surrounding areas will differ if default landclass set is used.Combined models and LODS for better performance.Baked night lighting and Ambient Occlusion.A significant area outside the airport modelled.A detailed recreation of the entire airport and buildings.This detailed recreation of San Antonio International Airport includes: As of 2018, the airport saw its first year of 10,000,000+ passengers and a new upgraded car park and car rental building. San Antonio International Airport is the 6th busiest in the State of Texas and offers 53 destinations served by 12 airlines. This high fidelity recreation includes the entire airport and theimmediate surrounding area. They are to be used with the sceneries by Steve and Craig Mosher for the respective airports. Welcome to SXAD's San Antonio International Airport (KSAT). File Description: These AFCAD files will open all gates and make two different runways active based on wind conditions at Halifax (CYHZ), St.